What is a Midwife?

Midwifery is the term traditionally used to describe the art of assisting a woman through childbirth. In the modern context, this term is used to describe the activities of those health care providers who are experts in women's health care including giving prenatal care to expecting mothers. They attend the birth of the infant and provide postpartum care to the mother and her infant. Practitioners of midwifery are known as midwives, a term used in reference to both women and men (the term means "with woman").

Monday, May 24, 2010

Art of Nursing Midwifery Services

Art of Nursing Care, Inc.

Amy Tinney CPM, LM, RN

Sarah Shealy CNM,IBCLC

Family centered Midwifery Services:

Well woman care

Preconceptual counseling

family planning

Pregnancy & birth services

Lactation consultation

Medela product sales

postpartum counseling

pregnancy massage

Well woman gynecological care

We offer routine gynecological care, pap screening and physical exam to women who desire a nurturing environment that respects and honors a woman’s body. We also offer birth control counseling and family planning options.

Preconceptual Counseling & Family planning

We offer counseling services to may increase your chances of conceiving naturally and consciously and give you emotional support thru the journey to becoming a parent. With you and your family in mind we can help you envision how it will be holding your new family in a place of nurturing and love. Open your heart and soul to new addition you want for your family.

Pregnancy Care

Our fundamental belief is that ”women are powerful” and that “birth is usually normal”. We specialize in water birth and provide holistic, preventative prenatal, birth and postpartum care for your family. We integrate alternative and western modalities into your care, our midwives have an extensive understanding of herbs and nutrition as well as birth and family psychology. We offer informed consent or refusal for all standard tests and procedures. We advocate for you in all aspects of your care, which will empower you to decide for yourself what is most appropriate for you, your baby and your family.

We believe birth is much more than just a physical process. Birth is a normal event in the life of a family and is unique to that family. During birth a woman and her family experience a powerful transformative “rite of passage”. When the baby emerges during their birth a new life force and soul enters our world. This is an enormous transition for the entire family regardless of the birth setting chosen. We believe birth can be held in a place of honor. During this precious transformational moment we as midwives serve to hold the space and safety for your family all the while providing quality medical care, support, patience and understanding.

We currently offer home birth to families that desire an intimate setting and the kind of care that is allows your family to choose who attends your birth. We also offer concurrent prenatal care to women who prefer the hospital setting for birth or need to birth in the hospital for medical conditions which are not safe in the out of hospital setting. Either way having our support during pregnancy will give you and your family the extra support and guidance you need to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Prenatal Appointments either with home birth or holistic prenatal care

Prenatal appointments are scheduled for at least one hour. The atmosphere is family-centered, and you are encouraged to bring your partner, children and anyone supporting you through your pregnancy. During prenatal appointments, our midwives, obstetricians, nurses and interns will be a guide and mentor for your pregnancy and birth. We empower you by informing you of your options, counseling you about the risks and benefits of these options and supporting you in your choices. During pregnancy and birth there is a huge opportunity to blossom into empowered parents. It is our goal to create an evironment where you feel safe to explore your feelings, and you can develop a relationship with us based on trust and mutual respect. Meeting with and becoming familiar with the whole staff in our practice is paramount to creating good care and supports and eases your anxiety during birth if you have met and trust your care providers.

  • We follow the standard obstetrical calendar for prenatal appointments:
  • every 4 weeks until 28 weeks gestation
  • once every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks gestation
  • once a week from 36 weeks until delivery
  • If you are planning a home birth, you will have at least 1 prenatal visit at your home near the end of your pregnancy (we do offer other prenatal visits in your home for a small additional fee)
  • Nutritional counseling is absolutely essential to a healthy pregnancy and is based on your individual needs and practices
  • Inquiries into your pregnancy-related health concerns and appropriate recommendations
  • Follow up blood work and cultures

Initial Exam

At the initial exam, one of our providers will take your complete medical, social and emotional history, draw blood for lab work as necessary, and perform a comprehensive prenatal exam. included in the basic lab work is a complete blood count, rubella, hepatitis B and C, HIV, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases. Some tests requiring an additional fee will be recommended as needed. (If it is unclear if a test is included in our flat fee or not, please inquire at the time the test is administered.)

Your Birth

Our midwifery team consists of midwives, Obstetricians, nurses and interns who will provide your labor support and attend your birth. If you are planning a home birth, we bring all necessary medical equipment with us. Necessary disposable supplies are provided to you in a home birth kit four to six weeks prior to your due date. We also provide a portable birthing tub for your use in your home during labor, which we bring to your home. You will be required to get a lead free hose and a fitting for your sink along with a few other preparations, which will be discussed during your prenatal visits. A comprehensive newborn exam will be performed on your baby within a few hours after birth. We are equipped to do the standard testing for the newborn and provide the basic newborn medications that are given around the birth. You will be given complete information and choice surrounding any and all interventions that may be needed.


After your birth, if you have a home birth we will stay with you for 4 to 6 hours during the transition period and continue to provide care for the first six weeks. We are available 24 hours a day for the entire 6-week postpartum period.

· We will provide two postpartum visits after the birth one within 36 hours from birth and the other within the first ten days, at your home. During these visits we will assess you and your baby and offer Newborn screening for genetic diseases.

· A 3-week and a 6-week postpartum visit will be done in our home office. Your 6-week visit will serve as a family planning consultation. Various contraceptives are available and discussed at this visit. This visit completes our care for your pregnancy. A Pap is included in your care if you are due for it at this time otherwise you may return for another visit when you are due.

Lactation consulting

We offer our clients lactation support by a certified lactation consultant and midwife. We also carry Medela supplies and can deliver them to your home as you need. Please ask about what we provide or visit our web page for information.

Postpartum Counseling

Are you experiencing challenges during your postpartum recovery? We offer counseling and support for women who desire a way to process their birth experiences and feelings of being a mother and that new role in a nurturing and supportive way.

Prenatal massage

We can also offer prenatal massage to women if they desire as well.

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