What is a Midwife?

Midwifery is the term traditionally used to describe the art of assisting a woman through childbirth. In the modern context, this term is used to describe the activities of those health care providers who are experts in women's health care including giving prenatal care to expecting mothers. They attend the birth of the infant and provide postpartum care to the mother and her infant. Practitioners of midwifery are known as midwives, a term used in reference to both women and men (the term means "with woman").

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Midwifery services and Out of Hospital birth

"What are the benefits of using a midwife?

One of the main reasons that women elect to use a midwife in their homes, at birthing centers or in hospitals is to experience the childbirth process as naturally as possible.
A focus on options is another benefit associated with electing midwifery care. Midwives often have payment plans, sliding fees, and accept most insurance plans, including Medicaid.
According to the doctoral research conducted by Peter Schlenzka, an election to use a midwife and natural delivery may result in the following benefits:

* Lower maternity care costs
* Reduced mortality and morbidity related to cesarean and other interventions
* Lower intervention rates
* Fewer recovery complications2

Electing to use a nurse-midwife is appropriate for low risk pregnancies which make up 60 to 80% of all pregnancies. In Schlenzka’s review of over 800,000 births, he reports there are no advantages of an obstetric hospital approach as compared to a midwife setting inside or outside of the hospital.

"Why should you consider giving birth outside of the hospital?”

Our fundamental belief is that ”women are powerful” and that “birth is usually normal”. Birth is a normal event in the life of a family and each birth is unique to that family. During birth a woman and her family experience a powerful transformative “rite of passage”. During this precious transformation we as midwives serve to hold a circle of safety for labor and birth to unfold naturally. “ Only intervening when absolutely necessary” When this process is supported in a way that does not interfere with the woman’s natural instincts, it can be one of the most empowering and fulfilling experiences you can have and it will impact everyone present in the deepest of ways. Having your baby outside of the hospital environment, gives you the choice of who you want to attend your birth and who cares for you. You can choose what foods you feel like eating and what you want to drink. During your labor, you can walk, dance or sleep uninterrupted if you want to. Feeling safe and supported helps your labor progress normally. If you desire to, you can give birth in water and then after the birth move to a cozy bed. During your recovery you are given the space to bond with your baby without unnecessary interventions inhibiting the serenity and connectedness of the precious moments following the birth.

If there is extra care needed for you or your baby like warmth and stimulation, we can provide it to your newborn while they are in your arms instead of a warmer with strangers. During any interventions which you, or your baby may require we will give you a full explanation about what is being done and why. Giving birth outside of the hospital allows for more of what you want during the labor and birth process while we as midwives provide the circle of safety with the watchful intuitive eyes and ears that keep things safe for you & baby, which allows you to do what comes naturally to you.

When families are provided with education, good prenatal care and possess a healthy positive outlook, homebirth is a safe alternative to hospital birth. We encourage women and families to take responsibility for their health and well being and make informed choices about their care.

1 comment:

  1. Amy the Midwife held space for me during my beautiful rite of passage into motherhood. Home birth is such a peaceful, transformative, empowering experience for the ENTIRE family. This includes not only mom and baby, but also dad as well. Thank you Amy, for being such a strong source of knowledge and support. Amy, you are changing the world: PEACEFUL BIRTH, PEACEFUL EARTH!
